Here are three reasons why it makes sense to list during this winter season.

Have you been thinking about selling your home, but you’re not sure if you should do it now or wait until spring? Today I will give you three very compelling reasons not to wait:

1. There’s less competition. When there are fewer choices for buyers, sellers will usually get a higher price for their homes, especially if they show well.

2. There is strong demand. We’re still seeing multiple offers and reduced market times in certain price ranges and areas.

3. Now is a great time to move up or downsize. Interest rates are still low, but they are expected to increase. If you act now as a buyer, you’ll be able to afford more. If you’re a seller, you’ll have a larger pool of buyers who can pay more. 

If you’re thinking of selling or know somebody who is, give us a call or send an email. We’d love to walk you through your options.